Kudos to Carrie Dunklow:  She took it upon herself to lead deep cleaning the Writing and Reading Center. This was important because it helped the space to look more put-together and less distracting for all who enter. It also was just healthier. No more caked on dust or germs. We can start the next semester with a clean space. Hopefully it will minimize the amount of allergies or other sickness, like COVID-19. Thanks!

Kudos to Tiffani Wilke:  This June Tiffani Wilke, NMC Math & Science Instructor taught an Extended Education community class called Storm Science. The class ran for 3 weeks, meeting twice weekly. What a great testimonial we received!

“Last night my husband and I completed a 10-hour class called Storm (Science) at the college. It was taught by a meteorologist named Tiffani Wilke. She and the class were fabulous, spectacular, could not have been better!!!”

Thank you Tiffani for sharing your expertise, passion, and valuable time with NMC Extended Education students. What you do has a very big impact.

Experts suggest maintaining an “attitude of gratitude” increases positivity for yourself and for others. Please encourage your colleagues by submitting a KUDOS. Let them know you appreciate their hard work and are thinking of them!