Hawk Owl Helper logoThank you to all of the NMC employees who have worked hard to retool and reopen their programs so students can keep learning while working to keep them safe, including those in Aviation, Culinary, Dental, Maritime, Police Academy and at the Dennos Museum Center.

As one example, Culinary Director Les Eckert noted that Patty Cron-Huhta and Mike Skarupinski set up new COVID-19 safety protocols for the baking lab and dining room for Cafe Lobdell’s. Program staff also worked with Facilities to ensure all sanitizing supplies are available for cleaning during and after Cafe Lobdell’s operating hours. The moves enabled Cafe Operations students to make up a spring lab class and to ensure a timely end of summer graduation.

Who’s been a Hawk Owl Helper or Hero for you? Let us know at publicrelations@nmc.edu!