NMC is hosting a mobile food pantry in partnership with Feeding America from 3-5 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 25 in the Maple Lot of the Front Street campus.
The tentative list of menu items includes carrots, apples, cheese, potatoes, squash, rice, peppers, grapes and juice. College caffeine fiends rejoice: we anticipate we will also have a donation of 1000 bottles of mountain dew.
Walk or drive-thru options exist. Come over and drive-thru OR bring a backpack or reusable bag and take what you and your household can use in the next 7-10 days.
This program is specifically designed to support NMC students [and their households] by supplementing their diets with fresh, healthy produce while helping to free up financial resources to cover other household expenses. Everyone is welcome. Take as little or as much as you need for your household.
One additional distribution will be offered this later semester on Monday, December 2. Seven additional pantries will be held during the spring semester.