NMC Mobile Food Pantry

NMC will host two Mobile Food Pantries during the month of February on February 3 and February 24. The distributions will occur from 3-5 p.m. in the Maple Lot at the Front Street campus. 

We anticipate 8-10 different items; recipients can expect to receive approximately 60 pounds worth of goods—a value up to $200. We average 4,000-6,000 lbs of goods per distribution—come get some fresh fruits, veggies, and other foods for FREE. The program is free to participate with no financial means tests. This program is specifically designed to support NMC students (and their households) by supplementing their diets with fresh, healthy produce while helping to free up financial resources to cover other household expenses. Everyone is welcome. 

Walk-up and drive-thru options are both available. Come over and drive-thru OR bring a backpack or reusable bag and take what you and your household can use in the next 7-10 days. 

Additional pantries will be on March 3, March 17, April 7 and April 21. These pantries are made possible in partnership with Feeding America.