KUDOS- (praise or respect that you get because of something you have done or achieved) defined by Merriam-Webster.com

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Kudos to The Media Technologies team: they were instrumental to the success of many campus events in the last several weeks. Demands were technologically diverse and spanned all of our campuses. This team continues to perform at a high level, in an ever-changing field, filled with moving parts. The support they’ve provided helped make events possible for the Dennos Museum, Milliken Auditorium, Hagerty Center, GLMA, EES, Foundation, Student Life, GLCI, IAF, the Board of Trustees and orientation, all without compromising support for our faculty and classrooms.

Kudos to NMC Automotive Technology Class: These guys went above and beyond when it came to fixing my car and making it safe. I just finished my physical therapy from a bad car accident and I was beginning to start the process of getting back to work when my Nissan literally died in flight on me. These guys did a phenomenal job of figuring out what had happened and getting her back on the road so that I can get my life back. I would never have been able to afford to have a dealership do these repairs. I would have been stuck in a terrible place….these guys literally saved me. This class is a huge asset to the community, and they treated me with respect and dignity throughout the entire process. Kudos to the entire team…..my Earth angels!