KUDOS- (praise or respect that you get because of something you have done or achieved) defined by Merriam-Webster.com

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Kudos Shannon Friedgen:  Shannon did a stellar job at promoting and supporting the Library’s voter registration efforts for the 2019 National Voter Registration Day. She helped every step of the way — from gathering information to understand how she and Student Life could assist in our existing work to finding new ways to promote voter registration and lending employees to help raise awareness. Her ideas and efforts led us to have double the number of people registered this year, which is an especially impressive result in a quiet election year.

Kudos to Cameron Penny:  Cameron did a great job building a new relationship with an alum who works for a program industry partner and helped to facilitate very positive, productive meetings and tours.

Kudos to Lisa Cooper:  Lisa went above and beyond worked long hours and coordinated with countless departments and a video team to create the new campaign video for Be What’s Possible!