Kudos to Jan Root, Mark Howell, Cindy Duby, Amjad Khan, Alice Sluss and Luke Pickelman: We had a late admit on January 17 who arrived in the Advising Center the following Monday looking to enroll in classes for spring. After working with the student to identify possible courses with available capacity, academic area office managers including Jan Root, Cindy Duby and Alice Sluss worked diligently to help with outreach to instructors to gain approval for this late addition to classes. Mark Howell, Amjad Khan, and Luke Pickelman made exceptions to allow the student into their courses even though a full week had been completed. Thank you for making this semester possible and for the time and effort during a busy Monday to help with this student who got the full-court press effort of several different departments and areas. We hope this student experiences great success!

Experts suggest maintaining an “attitude of gratitude” increases positivity for yourself and for others. Please encourage your colleagues by submitting a KUDOS. Let them know you appreciate their hard work and are thinking of them!