Kudos to Chester Kelly, Becca Richardson, Dr. Sarah Montgomery-Richards and Hannah Rodriguez. Compliments to Hannah, Sarah and Becca for their outstanding work in the first session of Adult College Edge, hosted June 3rd to June 28th at the Innovation Center. For some adult students, going back to college can be a challenge. This team implemented a successful program helping their students get an extra edge in math, English and college success before their first semester started. In support of the initiative, Chester was there for every in-person session providing math tutoring services and helping all of the program completers to pass the course.

Kudos to Tait Ricks. On July 8th for most of the afternoon, Tait Ricks, College Completion Coach through the Michigan College Access Network and part of NMC’s Student Success Coaching Team could be found out in the Success Center working one on one with a student having a difficult time. She worked patiently with the student, helping him to make a success plan to complete his accelerated summer class. She listened as he shared his story and the things that were becoming barriers to his success and identified solutions that would help. Tait’s kind and caring approach to this student’s struggle was commendable. Thank you for taking the extra time to help a student in need!

Experts suggest maintaining an “attitude of gratitude” increases positivity for yourself and for others. Please encourage your colleagues by submitting a KUDOS. Let them know you appreciate their hard work and are thinking of them!