Kudos to Kristi Hallett and the facilities fepartment. Kristi worked with me for several months coordinating with the facilities department for the community Pride Carnival with Up North Pride. She helped us foresee potential problems and always responds so quickly and kindly. We appreciate you Kristi! Also a big thanks to our facilities department for helping set up this event; there were a lot of moving parts and we are grateful for all of your help!

Kudos to Lindsey Kimball and crew. Lindsey and crew are on the ball! Being gone on the State of Michigan can provide logistical challenges when it comes to supplies. They continue to make sure our supplies are getting to GLMA during the summer months. These supplies are critical to shipboard operation and allows us to operate without missing a beat. Thank you, Lindsey and crew, for continuing to make sure our supplies get to us. You’re doing a fantastic job and it doesn’t go unseen.

Experts suggest maintaining an “attitude of gratitude” increases positivity for yourself and for others. Please encourage your colleagues by submitting a KUDOS. Let them know you appreciate their hard work and are thinking of them!