Kudos to Ali Thornton and the DEIB Advisory Council. On March 13, Ali Thornton and the DEIB Advisory Council hosted a Game Night for NMC students and employees. Participants not only learned new games but also had the opportunity to establish camaraderie with individuals they do not interact with daily. Those who attended had a great time which helped reinforce NMC’s values of inclusion and belongingness.

Kudos to Cathlyn Sommerfield, Eileen Vaughn, Denny Nguyen and Marcus Bennett. Cathlyn, Eileen, Denny, and Marcus, along with the student Multicultural Club, all contributed to the DEIB Game Night for students and employees. They recruited students, made popcorn, played games, facilitated student engagement and just had a lot of fun! The event would not have been possible without them stepping up and being willing to help out. Belongingness is key to a vital culture and these employees and students were willing to contribute to a culture of belonging. Thank you!

Experts suggest maintaining an “attitude of gratitude” increases positivity for yourself and for others. Please encourage your colleagues by submitting a KUDOS. Let them know you appreciate their hard work and are thinking of them!