Kudos to Todd Haines! A huge thank you to Todd and Maintenance Services for helping Enrollment Services move furniture/offices around. We know this was a large undertaking and appreciate all of the help! Thank you for adapting to all of our needs throughout the change. You made the whole experience go over very smoothly.

Kudos to Todd Haines, Bob Bugai, Jerry Moeggenberg, Terri Scarlett, Nancy Durecki and Wendy Roberts for spending hours and days completing the office move in Enrollment Services. They were all willing to work quickly and complete the project, without understanding how much it really entailed. Thank you for your patience and hard work to create the spaces we envisioned!

Experts suggest maintaining an “attitude of gratitude” increases positivity for yourself and for others. Please encourage your colleagues by submitting a KUDOS. Let them know you appreciate their hard work and are thinking of them!