Did you know that your tuition waiver benefits extend beyond credit classes? Take a fitness class, learn a new hobby, or even enjoy a date night with your partner. Check out these upcoming classes! Place the class in your shopping cart in order to see the discount. Need help setting up your profile? Look for “EES” in the Help Desk drop down menu.
From Truffles to Castelmagno: Flavors of Italy’s Piedmont Region
Immerse yourself in the rich culinary heritage of Italy’s Piedmont region, a land where earthy truffles, robust red wines, decadent cheeses, and divine chocolate intertwine.
Thursday, Dec. 5 ; 6–9 p.m.
Employee price: $37 per person, includes a beverage (public price: $125)
Wilderness First Aid Certification
Combining guided presentations with hands-on practice, this interactive class equips you with the skills, knowledge, and abilities to care for an ill or injured person until you can reach qualified care.
2 sessions; Saturday. & Sunday., Dec. 7 & 8; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Price: $49 (Public price: $299)