Kudos to Kim Gourlay & the Facilities department! Kim Gourlay and Facilities helped to welcome our College for Kids summer learning partner, Kids on the Go, in the Beckett Building. Kids on the Go provides children (ages 3-17 years old) who have special needs with physical, occupation, speech and recreational therapies. Thank you for being so warm and welcoming to our College for Kids partners, staff, instructors, and families.

Kudos to Wayne Moody and the Automotive team! Kudos to Wayne Moody and the Automotive Team for another wonderful car show! It was a great day weather-wise and a record-breaking turnout again this year! Great work!

Experts suggest maintaining an “attitude of gratitude” increases positivity for yourself and for others. Please encourage your colleagues by submitting a KUDOS. Let them know you appreciate their hard work and are thinking of them!