Feb 4, 2025 | Intercom
The NMC Board of Trustees Executive Committee will hold a board retreat 1:30–4:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 7 and 8:30–11:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 7 at the Lakemore Retreat & Resort, 1763 Memory Lane, Traverse City. More information is available here.
For more information, please contact the President’s office at (231) 995-1010.
Feb 4, 2025 | Intercom
The NMC Board of Trustees Executive Committee will hold a meeting Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 4 p.m. in the President’s Office Conference Room in the Tanis Building on NMC’s Front Street Campus. More information is available here.
For more information, please contact the President’s office at (231) 995-1010.
Feb 3, 2025 | Hawk Owl Helpers and Heroes, Intercom
Thanks to the Experiential Learning Institute for piloting nEXt, the NMC Experience Transcript this semester. The new endorsement will give students a way to demonstrate that they’ve gained experience during their education, particularly in sought-after soft skills like communication, teamwork and problem solving. It is expected to roll out college-wide this fall.
Who’s been a Hawk Owl Helper or Hero for you? Let us know at publicrelations@nmc.edu!
Feb 3, 2025 | Intercom, Media Mentions
The following college events and stories have appeared in the media recently. We want to share your media involvement too. Please send information about your NMC-related interview or appearance to publicrelations@nmc.edu. If possible, please include a link to the piece and information about where and when it was used.
Please note access to some stories may be limited by paywalls set up by the media outlet. This includes the Traverse City Record-Eagle, which limits free clicks to five per month. You may also read Record-Eagle articles in the print edition at the NMC Library.
NMC approves $3.62 million to help aviation department navigate global aircraft shortages
Ticker, Feb. 2
Feb 3, 2025 | Intercom, Student News
TRAVERSE CITY — The International Affairs Forum continues its 31st season of global issues education hosting renowned topic-area experts at public events running from February through June 2025. Upcoming events include:
- Haiti: Crisis In Context
February 20, 6:30 p.m.
IAF will host Monique Clesca & Jake Johnston for a discussion on Haiti, the Haitian diaspora, and aid policy.
- The Blue Economy: Michigan’s Global Role
March 20, 6:30 p.m.
John Austin, Director of the Michigan Economic Center at the University of Michigan, Senior Fellow at the Eisenhower Institute at Gettysburg College, and Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, will discuss the role of the Great Lakes’ region as a global leader in sustainable water-related economic growth.
- Echoes of Change: The Legacy of Student Activism
April 17, 6:30 p.m.
Presented by current NMC students. This first-of-its-kind student event will explore the enduring impact of pivotal, historical student movements and their relevance in today’s culture.
- On Journalism and Media & Information Literacy
May (date TBD)
IAF will host a discussion on journalism, media and information literacy, and disinformation, exploring how local journalism fortifi es freedom and connects local issues to global challenges.
- North America 2.0
June 12, 6:30 p.m.
IAF will partner with the Economic Club of Traverse City to host a discussion on the state of trade relations between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
Programs are presented in hybrid format; in-person events are available to livestream online. Most programs start at 6:30 p.m. Eastern at the Dennos Museum Center Milliken Auditorium, 1701 E. Front St., Traverse City with a welcome reception at 5:30 p.m.
IAF’s educational programming at NMC is free for students and educators, and open to the public thanks to its supporting members, regional partners, business sponsors and Northwestern Michigan College. Find more information at TCIAF.com.
IAF’s 31st season is sponsored by Mercantile Bank. Learn more about event sponsorship and opportunities to support here: tciaf.com/support
Release date: February 3, 2025
For more information:
Alex Tank
Director, International Affairs Forum
Northwestern Michigan College does not discriminate in admission, campus activities, education, employment, housing, public accommodation or public service on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, gender identity/expression, handicap, height, marital or familial status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, service in the military, veteran’s status, weight, or any other legally protected status under federal, state, or local law. No act of retaliation shall occur to any person making a charge, filing a complaint, testifying or participating in any discrimination investigation or proceeding. nmc.edu/non-discrimination
Feb 3, 2025 | Intercom, Student News

Find these audiobooks and more on the NMC Library’s Libby app. Follow these instructions to download Libby and set up your account.
American Sirens: The Incredible Story of the Black Men Who Became America’s First Paramedics by Kevin Hazzard
“Journalist and former paramedic Kevin Hazzard paints a vivid picture of the nation’s first EMS service….[His book] is a medical and human drama that will make readers appreciate the courage of the first paramedics, the foresight of a physician not content to restrict emergency medicine to other doctors and the artistry of modern EMS workers. It’s also a narrative bristling with the indignities of racism and medical ignorance. Hazzard’s subjects defied and overcame prejudice but also were often overwhelmed by both.”―The Washington Post
Night Flyer: Harriet Tubman and the Faith Dreams of a Free People by Tiya Miles
“Though broad strokes of Tubman’s story are widely known, Miles probes deeper, examining her inner life, faith and relationships with other enslaved Black women to paint a deeper, more vibrant portrait of a historical figure whose mythic status can sometimes overshadow her humanity.” – The New York Times
A Black Women’s History of the United States by Daina Ramey Berry and Kali Nicole Gross
Historians Berry and Gross illuminate the lives of black women like “Isabel de Olvera, the first black woman to arrive in North America in 1600, Milly and Christine McCoy, enslaved conjoined twins, Gladys Bentley, the gender-bending blues musician, Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to the U.S. Congress” – WHYY/Radio Times
Hip Hop is History by Questlove
“Questlove traces the creative and cultural forces that made and shaped hip-hop, highlighting both the forgotten but influential gems and the undeniable chart-topping hits-and weaves it all together with the stories no one else knows.” – from the publisher
Black AF History by Michael Harriot
“Emphasizing Black survival and resistance, Harriot simplifies complex issues into easily understandable, digestible bites. . . . Blunt, entertaining, irreverent, sarcastic, and sometimes laugh-out-loud.” — Library Journal
The Barn: The Secret History of a Murder in Mississippi by Wright Thompson
“Thompson . . . has written a gut-punch of a book about the murder of Emmett Till and the place where it happened. Foregoing the harrowing photos that emphasize Till’s martyrdom, Thompson dives instead into family trees, court transcripts, witness memoirs and more to unearth the enormous human tragedy we forget at our peril: ‘Hate grows stronger and resistant,’ he reminds us, ‘when it’s pushed underground.’” — Los Angeles Times
Madness: Race and Insanity in a Jim Crow Asylum by Antonia Hilton
“Peabody and Emmy award-winning journalist Antonia Hylton tells the ninety-three-year history of Crownsville Hospital, one of the last segregated asylums with surviving records and a campus that still stands to this day in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. She blends the intimate tales of patients and employees whose lives were shaped by Crownsville with a decade-worth of investigative research.” – from the publisher
Further listening: Critically acclaimed podcasts
The Black History Buff podcast

Buried Truths podcast

Uncivil podcast

Feb 3, 2025 | Intercom
Registration is now open for NMC’s College for Kids summer program, which engages students ages 4-17 in fun, experiential “college” learning.
Held on NMC’s campuses or one of several offsite partner facilities, classes are taught by passionate, experienced instructors who provide a safe and exciting learning environment. Developing their own curriculum, teachers make each class unique, of high interest to students, and experiential with hands-on engagement. Young learners are introduced to college adventures in art, science, sewing, technology, culinary, dance, and more.
Check out these new classes:
Weekly classes run Monday through Thursday, June 16 – July 31. The tuition waiver applies for NMC faculty and full-time staff. Please create your household profile online before registering. To browse classes or register, visit nmc.edu/kids or contact NMC Extended Education at (231) 995-1700.
Feb 3, 2025 | HR Corner, Intercom
Kudos to Jan Root, Mark Howell, Cindy Duby, Amjad Khan, Alice Sluss and Luke Pickelman: We had a late admit on January 17 who arrived in the Advising Center the following Monday looking to enroll in classes for spring. After working with the student to identify possible courses with available capacity, academic area office managers including Jan Root, Cindy Duby and Alice Sluss worked diligently to help with outreach to instructors to gain approval for this late addition to classes. Mark Howell, Amjad Khan, and Luke Pickelman made exceptions to allow the student into their courses even though a full week had been completed. Thank you for making this semester possible and for the time and effort during a busy Monday to help with this student who got the full-court press effort of several different departments and areas. We hope this student experiences great success!
Experts suggest maintaining an “attitude of gratitude” increases positivity for yourself and for others. Please encourage your colleagues by submitting a KUDOS. Let them know you appreciate their hard work and are thinking of them!
Feb 3, 2025 | HR Corner, Intercom
These employees recently started working at the college. Let’s welcome them to the NMC community!
- James Kiessel — Adjunct Law Enforcement Instructor
- Ethan VanHoose, student employee — Tutor
- Lily Kolbusz, student employee — Astronomy Lab Assistant
Jan 29, 2025 | Intercom, Student News

NMC will host two Mobile Food Pantries during the month of February on February 3 and February 24. The distributions will occur from 3-5 p.m. in the Maple Lot at the Front Street campus.
We anticipate 8-10 different items; recipients can expect to receive approximately 60 pounds worth of goods—a value up to $200. We average 4,000-6,000 lbs of goods per distribution—come get some fresh fruits, veggies, and other foods for FREE. The program is free to participate with no financial means tests. This program is specifically designed to support NMC students (and their households) by supplementing their diets with fresh, healthy produce while helping to free up financial resources to cover other household expenses. Everyone is welcome.
Walk-up and drive-thru options are both available. Come over and drive-thru OR bring a backpack or reusable bag and take what you and your household can use in the next 7-10 days.
Additional pantries will be on March 3, March 17, April 7 and April 21. These pantries are made possible in partnership with Feeding America.
Jan 29, 2025 | Intercom, Student Events
On Monday, February 3, the State Theatre will screen ANANGONG MIIGAADING, the brand new Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe)-dubbed version of the original Star Wars film.
Doors open at 6 p.m. and the film starts at 7 p.m. Singers from the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians will perform before the screening begins to honor the film. Cosplay is welcome!
This event is free for NMC students and tribal members—reserving tickets is highly recommended. Tickets for the general public are $10. Get tickets
Jan 29, 2025 | Intercom, Student Events
Please join us at the NMC Library on Thursday, February 6 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. as we celebrate Black History Month, diverse characters and the power of reading to break down barriers at our fourth annual Embrace the Dream Read-Aloud & Craft Night! This is a completely FREE event with no registration necessary and children ages 3-12 are invited to READ, CRAFT and get a FREE BOOK! Adults can join in on the fun or find a space in the building to relax while the kiddos hang out with us, reading and getting crafty!
For more information, please contact the NMC Library by phone at (231) 995-1060 or by email at library@nmc.edu.
Jan 29, 2025 | Intercom, Student News
JANUARY 29, 2025
Business Instructor Kristy McDonald and her students shop for thanksgiving meal items as part of an experiential learning project.NMC now has an answer for student job seekers who confront an enduring conundrum: Employers want experience. But how do you show experience if you haven’t had a job yet?
The NMC Experience Transcript, or nEXt, will give students a way to demonstrate that they’ve gained experience during their education, particularly in sought-after soft skills like communication, teamwork and problem solving.
“It presents evidence around that,” said Jennifer Ewing of Human Resource Partners in Traverse City. She likened the nEXt endorsement to a portfolio, a standard for fields like graphic design or architecture.
“It’s really giving the student a way to go into the employer and demonstrate what they’re learning in a more tangible way,” said Ewing, who’s worked in HR for more than 30 years.
Debuting as a pilot this semester, nEXt will roll out collegewide this fall. It’s a project of NMC’s Experiential Learning Institute, created in 2019. Led by faculty members Kristy McDonald and Brandon Everest, the Institute formalized NMC’s commitment to experiential learning, which actively engages learners through relevant, hands-on experience, critical problem solving and reflective practices.
Emma Herrington is a member of the pilot cohort. The 2024 Traverse City West High School graduate has taken three EL classes with McDonald so far, starting as a dual-enrolled high school student, and said they affirmed her desire to open her own business after she graduates this fall.
“I’ve never heard of a school doing this much hands-on learning before,” Herrington said. “A lot of universities will just make you do the textbook information. You can’t apply that to the workforce until you’ve graduated or had an internship.”
In addition to taking EL-designated classes, students must earn points for the nEXt endorsement from four different domains which make up the EL cycle: discovery, exploration, mastery and reflection. Options include presenting at a conference, being a member or leader of a campus student group, conducting community research, mentoring, honors projects, independent study, registered apprenticeships, internships, community service and campus or community events.
Kenzie Kazim, another member of the pilot cohort, looks forward to the variety. Thanks to a contact she made with a commercial real estate first through her EL class, Kazim plans to get her real estate license this summer and hopes to get an internship there.
”It felt like a more meaningful learning experience to me, instead of feeling I had crammed all this information from a textbook and forgotten it as soon as I had a test,” Kazim said.
“I fully support it. I wish more schools would do that,” said Jennifer Anderson, HR Generalist at Traverse City manufacturer TentCraft. “I really think it gives students an edge, having that extra learning piece and have it for their interviews later on.”
Jan 28, 2025 | Intercom, Student News
NMC is currently reviewing what the Trump Administration’s freeze on federal aid and grants could mean for the college and our students. While the impact of this order is expected to be broad and remains uncertain, NMC has determined that student financial aid is exempt.
Rest assured, NMC will disburse federal financial awards for spring as planned beginning Monday, Feb. 3. NMC will continue to advocate for our students to minimize learning disruption, and we will continue to communicate with the NMC community as we learn more.
If you have any questions, please contact NMC’s Student Financial Services team at (231) 995-1035 or sfs@nmc.edu.
Jan 28, 2025 | Intercom, Student News
Join representatives from NMC’s Financial Aid and Admissions teams Wednesday, Feb. 12 from 4–7 p.m. to learn about the various types of financial aid and how to receive this aid by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The event will be at the Timothy J. Nelson Innovation Center on NMC’s Front Street Campus.
The whole community is invited — current and prospective students and their parents and anyone no matter what college they are planning on attending. Get one-on-one planning for financing your college journey — at NMC and beyond. Learn more and register here.
Jan 27, 2025 | Hawk Owl Helpers and Heroes, Intercom
Thanks to Ed Bailey, Jason Slade and Lisa Cooper for organizing the Great Lakes Blue Tech Challenge, which kicked off today with team formation. The technology-based innovation challenge and pitch competition, focused on the issues facing the Great Lakes, is the sequel to last year’s AquaHacking event. Both are aimed at cultivating entrepreneurship in the new blue economy and fostering the formation of companies that will eventually occupy the Freshwater Research and Innovation Center in Greilickville.
Who’s been a Hawk Owl Helper or Hero for you? Let us know at publicrelations@nmc.edu!
Jan 27, 2025 | Intercom, Media Mentions
The following college events and stories have appeared in the media recently. We want to share your media involvement too. Please send information about your NMC-related interview or appearance to publicrelations@nmc.edu. If possible, please include a link to the piece and information about where and when it was used.
Please note access to some stories may be limited by paywalls set up by the media outlet. This includes the Traverse City Record-Eagle, which limits free clicks to five per month. You may also read Record-Eagle articles in the print edition at the NMC Library.
Blue Tech Challenge aims at gathering business solutions to Great Lakes problems
Interlochen Public Radio, Jan. 26
Jan 27, 2025 | EES Opportunities, Intercom
Did you know that your tuition waiver benefits extend beyond credit classes? Take a fitness class, learn a new hobby, or even enjoy a date night with your partner. Check out these upcoming classes! Place the class in your shopping cart in order to see the discount. Need help setting up your profile? Look for “EES” in the Help Desk drop down menu.
Cookie Decorating With Kids (2 spots left!)
Celebrate this holiday season with a sweet treat! Decorated cookies make a colorful addition to an ordinary cookie tray. Learn how to decorate beautiful, professional-looking cookies using royal icing. You and your child will have fun creating these holiday-themed edible delights.
Saturday, Feb. 8; 1 – 3 p.m.
Employee price: $62 for two people (Public price: $125)
Painting with Acrylics: Winter Landscapes
The colder months in northern Michigan are a winter wonderland! Learn how to create different shades and shapes that are specific to winter. Color mixing, color theory, and different brushes will also be discussed. Students will be able to paint their favorite winter landscape using acrylics.
Saturday, Feb. 15; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Employee price: $22 per person (Public price: $99)
Fossils & the Story of Life: A Beginner’s Guide to Paleontology
This introductory class in paleontology explores the science that studies the history of life on Earth through the examination of fossils. Take a look at Earth’s ancient environments, fossilization processes, stratigraphy, and the geologic time scale.
Wednesday, Feb. 19; 6–9 p.m.
Employee price: $22 per person (Public price: $49)