Lunch and Learn registration QR codeJoin Employment Readiness Specialist Lisa Baldyga to prepare for the upcoming NMC Career Fair. Sponsored by the Experiential Learning Institute and Northwest Michigan Works, these events will help make sure you make the best impression while looking for that next opportunity.

  • Tuesday, Feb. 22, 12:30 p.m., Lunch & Learn: How to Prepare for a Career Fair
    • Available face-to-face and virtually
  • Thursday, Feb. 24, 12:30 p.m., Lunch & Learn: Resume Workshop
    • Available face-to-face and virtually
  • Tuesday, March 1, 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. & 2–3:30 p.m.: Career Fair Prep: Open Office Hours with Lisa Baldyga, West Hall Experiential Learning Institute (ELI) Office

Register here!