From President Nelson
I am requesting your assistance in honoring your faculty and staff colleagues at Northwestern Michigan College.
The NMC Foundation Excellence Awards promote exemplary service to students and clients and recognize the outstanding demonstration of NMC’s values. Up to five awards are granted annually and the recipients are announced at the annual service awards reception in April. All college employees are eligible for this award, including faculty (regular and adjunct), staff (administrative/professional, maintenance/custodial, support, technical/paraprofessional, and supplemental) and student employees.
Any member of the faculty, staff, community, or student body may nominate a person or group for the award by completing a nomination form and submitting it to the Resource Development office by February 28. A selection panel comprised of representatives of the Foundation, faculty, staff, and students reviews the nominations and makes a recommendation to me.
The nomination form is attached. Please feel free to copy it as necessary.