Dear NMC community,

NMC is pleased to partner with the Grand Traverse County Health Department to offer two vaccine clinics for NMC students and employees only.

The clinics will be Wednesday, April 28 and Thursday, April 29 at NMC’s Hagerty Conference Center at the Great Lakes campus from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. These clinics will be closed to the public and held solely for NMC students and employees. This includes current students as well as incoming summer and fall students.

The health department will have at least 1,200 doses of the Pfzier vaccine available. Based on demand, more clinics can be added in the future. The health department will schedule your second dose of the vaccine when you receive your first dose.

**Please note, if you are interested in receiving a vaccine, but will be out of the area for your second dose, you should still make an appointment for your first dose now. When you receive your first dose, the health department will help you schedule your second dose close to your future location.**

The entire process should only take 15-20 minutes. With the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in Michigan, especially amongst young people, we hope many of you will take advantage of this opportunity. Vaccination is the fastest way to return to fewer restrictions. Our NMC community has done a great job keeping each other safe during this time. Let’s keep it up and finish strong!

To schedule your appointment please click on the link below. Because these clinics are closed to the public, please do not forward these links to anyone other than NMC students and employees.

Wednesday April 28th

Thursday April 29th