KUDOS – (praise or respect that you get because of something you have done or achieved) defined by Merriam-Webster.com

Submit a Kudos here.

Kudos to Jason Dake:  Jason has created engaging, thought-provoking lessons each time I have taken my EDU101 course to visit the museum. He has been willing to stay late to facilitate the visit of my evening class and he has created meaningful learning on observation skills and interpretation skills that students can then use during the semester. Jason also models good teaching and lesson plan creation for the future educators in this class. Thank you, sir!

Kudos to Mark DeLonge and Tom Gordon:  Congrats to Mark DeLonge and Tom Gordon for winning the Liberal Arts Network for Development (LAND) Institutional Excellence Award for their Perceptual Learning Method/Modules Project! The award will be presented at the 2018 LAND Conference, on Thursday, February 22, 2018.