KUDOS- (praise or respect that you get because of something you have done or achieved) defined by Merriam-Webster.com

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Kudos to Dennis Christopher-  Dennis continuously exceeds his ability to insure that the sanitation and cleanliness of Parsons Stulen building are maintained at all times. He is well organized and efficient with the ability to completes all of his task on time. Dennis is also able to adjust his daily routines to assist with other duties if needed and is always willing to help out when required in other areas. Dennis also tries to achieve integrity, and personal responsibility at all times.

Kudos to Chris Ruszel and the Business Office Team-  Kudos to Chris Ruszel and the Business Office for clean audit results again this year! Thanks also to all NMC faculty and staff for adhering to policies and procedures throughout the year resulting in positive financial audits. We appreciate all that you do. Thank you.