KUDOS- (praise or respect that you get because of something you have done or achieved) defined by Merriam-Webster.com

Submit a Kudos here.

Kudos to the Entire Enrollment Services Team- Under the leadership of Pam and the other directors, we were able to combine Admissions, Records and Registration and Student Financial Services (Cashiers and Financial Aid). This allows students to receive optimum quality service with just one stop. The willingness of staff to try something new and continue to learn and provide quality service to our students is appreciated!

KUDOS to the following who helped make the NMC Fall Conference a success! Thank you for your time and dedication to making the day a success!

  • Dennis Schultz, Katharine Zurek, Linda Racine, and Ryan Bernstein for the significant time spent creating the opening videos and slides for the NMC Fall Conference. Their hard work and dedication to this day is very much appreciated!
  • Jack Connors for his time and expertise running the tech for the opening session & Megan Heator for her assistance with hosting the event.
  • Jenny Barnes & Deb Patterson for all their work scheduling and coordinating Biederman & Health Science rooms and the lunch setup.
  • Roy & Sodexo Staff for creating & serving the delicious lunch buffet that facilitated a collaborative and engaging event.
  • Facilities Staff who delivered and set up all the tables & chairs to create a welcoming lunch space.
  • Rita Kucera for her assistance and support for the day.