KUDOS- (praise or respect that you get because of something you have done or achieved) defined by Merriam-Webster.com

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Kudos to:  Cathy McCall, Dan Wasson, Trisha Domagala, Sam Foster, Zeb McCauley, Alison Thornton, Paul Perry, Ed Blough, Nancy Durecki, Brian Lewis, Phil Trowbridge, Casey White, Michelle Yeider and Gary Schetteck– The assistance provided by these individuals was invaluable as Enrollment Services began the office moves for the new “One Stop Shop.” Their patience, smiles and hard work as we moved offices, relocated computer stations and printers, moved phone lines, patched walls, etc., etc. went above and beyond expectations. Their willingness to make themselves available to answer questions and work individually with team members was very much appreciated. Their good nature and continued smiles as we threw last minute changes their way were contagious!