grandmother-powerOn Saturday, September 17, photojournalist Paola Gianturco will share her experiences and tell the stories of activist grandmothers around the world whose tales inspire and demonstrate the power of grandmothers worldwide.

The National Writers Series event, sponsored in partnership with the Dennos Museum Center, takes place at 7 p.m. the Milliken Auditorium. Included in the evening is a photo exhibit of Gianturco’s work and a 6 p.m. reception with complimentary wine, beverages and appetizers for all ticket holders and Museum Members.

Guest host Tony Demin is a professional photographer. A graduate of the Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, Demin has shot internationally for national magazines, ad campaigns, and catalogs. He most enjoys taking photographic adventures with his family.

For tickets, call (231) 995-1573 or go to National Writers Series Friends and Dennos Museum members get $5 off!

Student tickets are available for $5 over the phone at (231) 995-1753, or in person at the Dennos Museum Center only.