Kudos- Praise or respect that you get because of something you have done or achieved. (defined by Merriam-Webster.com) Kudos to the following people and departments! If you know of co-workers who are going above and beyond, nominate them for kudos here!

Kudos to the NMC Facilities Group-  to everyone involved in the organization, setup and takedown of the NMC BBQ on Sunday, May 22nd. It was a beautiful day and the BBQ was a huge success. It takes a great deal of behind the scenes preparation for a large event like the BBQ and we appreciate your efforts. Thank you.

Kudos to all who participated in the Sixth Annual teachingSOLUTIONS Bootcamp (Deirdre Mahoney, Dani Garcia, Terri Reisig, Susan Odgers, and Constanza Hazelwood)  They worked all week long to learn and apply online teaching strategies and best practices. Kudos to a terrific group of faculty. BRAVO!!!

Kudos to all who participated in the Second Annual Course Development Institute (Sonja Olshove, Rachel Wilczewski, Laura Jaquish, Deb Pharo, Melissa Sprenkle, and Linda Walter) They worked to develop and implement new innovative strategies with best practices and technology usage in current courses. BRAVO to a week’s worth of hard work and great accomplishments!

Kudos to all who contributed expertise to make teachingSOLUTIONS and the Course Development Institute a smashing success (Terri Guftason, Tina Ulrich, Megan Ward, Kristen Salathiel, Ryan Bernstein, Michelle Schneider, Justin Gillard, Sherry Trier, Dennis Schultz and Alan Beer)! Thank you for your time, energy and sharing your knowledge with faculty attending these workshops. You are greatly appreciated by all.

Kudos to Chris Ruszel for her financial works associated with the College’s grants. specifically the CCSTEP grant and the funding received from the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. Both of these grants, totaling over $5.2MM, were very complex and required a high level of engagement and detail. Chris did an outstanding job in the management and reporting on these projects.