Kudos- Praise or respect that you get because of something you have done or achieved. (defined by Merriam-Webster.com)

Kudos to the following people and departments! If you know of co-workers who are going above and beyond, nominate them for kudos here!

Kudos to Lindsey Dickinson, Emmy Hendry, Dana Laursen, Deb Maison, Taylor Nash, Denny Nguyen, Carla Waite, Katie Ziesman-Morgan, and the Advising Center Staff:  This team was instrumental in helping Irina Grougan with preparation for the Career Fair held on Thursday, March 3rd at the Hagerty Center. Dana was instrumental in preparing our students to be ready to meet employers, Katie did an amazing job with registration and packet preparation, Carla saved the day when we needed a new map created marking employer’s locations and the others were greeters and behind the scenes support for the 10th Annual NMC Career Fair. It’s definitely a team effort and they demonstrate teamwork not only on this day but every day through their various roles!

Kudos to  Irina Grougan:  Irina was the lead organizer for the 10th Annual Career Fair held last week (March 3rd) at the Hagerty Center on the Great Lakes Campus. The event was well organized with thoughtful attention to many details. Over 80 employers participated and over 200 students, alumni and community members had the opportunity to explore part-time and full-time employment opportunities as well as internships. Employers praised the fair organization, registration process, marketing and preparation of our students.

Kudos to Cathy Jarvi, Adam Smith, and Taylor West:  How do you get an audience of young teenagers to consider a career in Freshwater? You schedule a visit with our enthusiastic and committed team from the Great Lakes Water Studies Institute’s Freshwater Studies program.

Cathy Jarvi, Adam Smith, and Taylor West hosted a Saturday visit from a group of young Commitment Scholarship Program students. According to our survey, 50% of these students are now thinking about pursuing a career in water. Great job!