Please refer to the timelines for your employee group and complete your self-review as soon as possible if you haven’t already done so.

Adjunct Faculty:

  • 5/12/24 – Adjunct self-evaluations due
  • 6/26/24 – Supervisors evaluations finalized & meetings conducted
  • 6/26/24 – Acknowledge Meeting Sign-off Electronically (Both)


(Note: The staff performance evaluation due date of 6/30/2023 is incorrect.)

  • 5/17/24 – Staff self-evaluations due
  • 6/24/24 – Supervisor evaluations & meetings due (forms signed electronically by supervisor and employee)
  • 6/24/24 – Staff goal planning meetings completed
  • 7/19/24 – Staff goal plans due to supervisors (electronically)
  • 7/26/24 – Supervisors approve staff goal plans
  • 7/26/24 – Staff begin working on their new goals

Faculty (FEP Dates):

  • 5/24/24 – Faculty self-evaluations due
  • 7/22/24 – Supervisors evaluations finalized & meetings conducted
  • 9/13/24 – All Faculty annual goal plans submitted to supervisor
  • 10/11/24 – Annual Plan goals approved by supervisors
  • 10/11/24 – Faculty begin working on goals

For additional support, please contact Human Resources at, (231)995–1143 or enter a HelpDesk ticket.