Here is an informal account of the Northwestern Michigan College Board of Trustees meeting, Monday, January 26, 2015.

Details on the actions items and reports are contained in the Board Packet available online.

A full video of the meeting is available here:


The January 26th meeting for the Board of Trustees began with the swearing in of two new trustees, Marilyn Dresser and Steve Rawlings. The Board then elected Doug Bishop as Chair, Kennard Weaver as Vice-Chair, Bob Brick as Treasurer and Ross Childs as Secretary.

Laura Carmicklel and Josh Jacobson were honored as employees of the semester for their work together on the CRM system.

The Board heard the results of the 2014 Community Attitude and Awareness survey which showed NMC has “very strong ratings.”

Vice-President for Enrollment Management and Student Services, Chris Weber reported that enrollment was trending higher with a full report due at the February meeting.

Vice-President for Finance and Administration, Vicki Cook reported contact hours for spring are favorable and the college is close to budget. She also reported on a bond refinancing that saved taxpayers about $1.2 million.

Board Chair Doug Bishop spoke of the value of the Board of Trustees retreat and thanked DTE for covering the costs of the meeting.

President Tim Nelson thanked the Board for its hard work during the retreat.

There was no public discussion or input.

The consent items were approved. The following action items were also approved: housing and board rates, CIT Developer Certificate, Skilled Trades Grant and advertising contract vendor.

The Board then went into closed session to discuss a memo from legal counsel.