The purpose of Listening Sessions is to field questions you may have about anything at the college, similar to what occurs at the Town Hall Meetings, but in a smaller setting. Please remember that you must RSVP by emailing Simply accepting the calendar request will not tally as an RSVP.

Listening Sessions are being held at the following locations/times:

  • Monday, January 19, 2-3 p.m. in Founders Hall 110
  • Wednesday, January 28, 8-9 a.m. in the Oleson Center (NOTE NEW LOCATION. Formerly scheduled in Osterlin)
  • Friday, February 13, 11 a.m.-Noon at Great Lakes 112
  • Monday, February 16, 11 a.m.-Noon at Parsons-Stulen 101 (NOTE NEW LOCATION. Formerly PS226)

There will be an additional 8 p.m. session scheduled for 2nd and 3rd shift workers but that date has not yet been determined.

Again, please remember that you must RSVP by emailing Simply accepting the calendar request will not tally as an RSVP.