
KUDOS- (praise or respect that you get because of something you have done or achieved) defined by Merriam-Webster.com

Submit a Kudos here.

Kudos to the Facilities Department: They changed the air vents in PS 101/103 back to the diffusing style which has made a huge improvement for our customer’s experience. Thank you!

Wellness Update

Take a minute to check out the Wellness information on the employee site.

Wellness Presentation for May 22, Noon–1 p.m. in University Center 214

Chris Barr, BCBSM Wellness Coordinator, will review all the information you need to know to participate in the exciting “Hit Your Stride” Challenge! You will be able to create a team of 1-3 people of your co-workers, and challenge yourselves to obtaining at least 4000 steps per day (shared by the team). The team with the highest number of steps will each receive a $100 visa gift card, but those that meet the average of 4000 steps per day, will also be entered into a drawing for a Fit Bit Alta!

So please bring your lunch and join us to learn about the details of the Challenge! If you are not able to join on the 22nd, details will be available in the Intercom and on the HR Wellness Site.

An alternative challenge will be available to those who have mobility limitations.

  • May Wellness Challenge– Log in to your Blue Cross Health & Wellness website and take a screen shot of an exercise video. You can submit one screen shot per week and earn up to 4 entries for a Fitbit Allta. All NMC employees are eligible to participate, even those who declined the medical insurance through NMC. For more information about how to participate, contact Hollie DeWalt or Chris Barr.

How do I redeem my $50 Gift Card?

Simply log into bcbsm.com, choose the Health & Wellness Tab in the blue bar at the top of the page, and finally choose Rewards in the gray bar. If you have completed both the online health assessment and submitted the physician screening form you will click on Redeem Now. If it still says Start Earning, then both forms have not been registered as complete. If you believe this is an error- make sure your doctor sent the form and then follow up with Hollie DeWalt or Chris Barr for assistance.

Ross and Brenda Biederman named NMC Fellows

Ross and Brenda BiedermanTRAVERSE CITY — NMC alumnus Ross and Brenda Biederman have been named the 2017 recipients of the NMC Fellow award, the highest honor bestowed by Northwestern Michigan College.

The couple has been a philanthropic and business force in northern Michigan for decades, winning the 2013 Distinguished Service Award from the Traverse City Area Chamber of Commerce. Virtually every sector of the community has benefited from their support, including healthcare, arts and culture, and education.

Ross Biederman graduated from NMC in 1959, only a few years after the college was founded by a group including his father, Les. He was named an Outstanding Alumnus in 2010. Under his leadership, Midwestern Broadcasting Co. expanded to include nine radio stations. Ross Biederman also developed the Radio Centre complex, which includes downtown Traverse City’s first parking structure. As the head of the joint Garfield Township-Traverse City Recreational Authority, he helped develop the former state hospital grounds into the thriving residential/retail/commercial destination it is today.

In the words of President Timothy J. Nelson, the Biedermans are an “empowering couple.” Ross and Brenda have continued the Biederman family legacy of philanthropy. They have supported NMC personally and through the namesake family foundation for 30 years. Biederman scholarship funds currently support more than two dozen students annually and have transformed hundreds of lives. Most recently, the Biederman Foundation provided critical support for a simulator for the Great Lakes Maritime Academy. Ross is currently serving as a member of the NMC Foundation’s Campaign Steering Committee.

Brenda Biederman, a Buckley native, is an equally wholehearted supporter of education in general and NMC in particular. She helped launch the Women’s Resource Center and the Maidens of Michigan and is a past director for the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs.

A fourth generation of Biedermans now has an NMC connection — one granddaughter is currently enrolled in the nursing program.

The NMC Board of Trustees has named Fellows each year since 1964 as a way of recognizing and thanking those individuals who have made special contributions to the college.

Release Date: May 16, 2017

For more information:

Rebecca Teahen
Executive Director for Resource Development and NMC Foundation
(231) 995-1855


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