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NMC scores 2nd place in Smart Commute challenge!

Members of the NMC Team putting the Art in Smart Commute Week

Members of the NMC Team putting the Art in Smart Commute Week

NMC’s team had a great showing for Traverse City’s 22nd Annual Smart Commute Week. With 22 participants from three campuses, they walked, carpooled, rode the bus and pedaled their bikes to second place in their division!

A special thanks to the Wellness Team for covering costs for the breakfast on Tuesday and Sodexo for their beautiful and delicious food. It was a great success!

The NMC Breakfast Club Riders team included Alan Beer, Ann Geht, Anna Bachman, Betsy Coffia, Brian Sweeney, Cari Noga, Craig Mulder,  Dan Gentry, Heather Hess, Jason Dake, Judy Druskovich, Julie Doyal, Karen Ruedinger, Lisa Molmen, Meg Young, Melinda Mitchell, Michele Howard (Team Captain), Rochelle Hammontree, Ruth Ann LaMott, Shayrrl McCready, Tammy Coleman and Terri Gustafson.

Thanks to TART Trails, and the Smart Commute planning committee, for organizing another great week of events and congratulations to all of the teams involved! The 22nd Annual Smart Commute Week was a record-breaking one with 55 teams, more than 1,200 team members and more than 1,300 breakfasts given away.

For a complete list of team rankings, visit traversetrails.org/smart-commute/team-rankings. Hope to see you next year!