Aug 27, 2012 | Intercom, President Updates
One week ago today, NMC held its annual Opening Conference at the Hagerty Center. Here are some resources from that event including President Nelson’s presentation, a list of employees who have joined NMC since January or changed positions within the college, a list of retirees and others who left NMC in the past year and some of the accomplishments by area since the new year.
Jul 26, 2012 | President Updates
On behalf of the Board of Trustees and myself I want to share with you the results of my annual performance evaluation, which was conducted at the July 23, 2012 Board of Trustees meeting.
We recognize that the marks I receive are not just a reflection on my work, but that of all of us at NMC who are working every day to keep learning at the center of everything we do. The accomplishments are due to the excellent work of every one of you. I encourage you to take a few minutes to read through this document, to see what we are doing well and what we can strive to do even better.
Here is a link to the packet of information compiled in preparation for the evaluation:
May 11, 2012 | President Updates
Thank you all for everything you do in pursuit of “Keeping Learning at the Center.”
Activities of Note: Faculty and Staff (more…)
May 3, 2012 | President Updates
Thank you all for everything you do in pursuit of “Keeping Learning at the Center.”
Activities of Note: Faculty and Staff
• On March 6th, the Upward Bound program staff, in conjunction with the The Rotary Club of Traverse City (STRIVE PROGRAM) organized and offered the 1st Annual Upward Bound Career Fair. The event took place at NMC’s Oleson Center, where twenty-seven Rotarians (including NMC’s very own Ross Childs) from various professionals met with our Upward Bound students. The designed format allowed for each student to rotate around the room and ask questions of each Rotarian. The intended outcome was that each Upward Bound student be exposed to a variety of professionals as part of their career and college planning. Students would also have the opportunity to further develop their interpersonal communication skills.
Evaluation results from both Rotarians and students alike, indicated that the event was hugely successful. As first-time events can sometimes go, it exceeded our expectations. The plan now is to offer the event each year…. incorporating a few changes as suggested in the evaluations (as part of the Plan, Do, Adjust improvement process). (more…)
Mar 1, 2012 | President Updates
Thank you all for everything you do in pursuit of “Keeping Learning at the Center.”
Activities of Note: Faculty and Staff
• Mr. David Matsuda, the U. S. Maritime Administrator bestowed two significant awards to GLMA instructors. Please join me in congratulating Capt. Michael Surgalski upon his appointment as a Captain in the United States Maritime Service (USMS), and Mr. Bob Mason who was awarded the prestigious Merchant Marine Award for Outstanding Achievement Medal. I believe Mr. Mason is the first person on the Great Lakes to receive this award. Each of these achievements had to be personally approved by Mr. Matsuda, congratulations to both! (SD2) (more…)
Feb 27, 2012 | Intercom, President Updates, Student News
The Michigan Senate is considering a bill (HB 4496) that would allow the state’s community colleges to offer bachelor degrees in five select areas.
- Maritime Studies (sought by NMC)
- Nursing (sought by NMC and other community colleges)
- Culinary Arts (sought by NMC and other community colleges)
- Energy Production (sought by NMC and other community colleges)
- Cement Technology (sought by Alpena Community College)
Feb 7, 2012 | President Updates
Thank you all for everything you do in pursuit of “Keeping Learning at the Center.”
Activities of Note: Faculty and Staff
I hope to recognize the good work you are doing in this new section of the update. Linkages to the Strategic Agenda, Strategic Directions and Goals will be made where possible. (more…)
Jan 18, 2012 | President Updates
Thank you all for everything you do in pursuit of “Keeping Learning at the Center.”
Activities of Note: Faculty and Staff
I hope to recognize the good work you are doing in this new section of the update. Linkages to the Strategic Agenda, Strategic Directions and Goals will be made where possible. (more…)
Dec 2, 2011 | President Updates
Thank you all for everything you do in pursuit of “Keeping Learning at the Center.”
Activities of Note: Faculty and Staff
I hope to recognize the good work you are doing in this new section of the update. Linkages to the Strategic Agenda, Strategic Directions and Goals will be made where possible. (more…)