The temperatures may be frigid but the sun is peaking through the clouds and the days are getting longer, reminding us that spring is around the corner. Start preparing for those busy summer days by embracing National Nutrition Month. After all, if you eat better you will feel better and have more energy. Taking small steps like eating more fruits and vegetables will fuel your body and trim your waistline.

How much do you need? Generally speaking, an adult needs 2-3 cups of vegetables and 1 ½ – 2 cups of fruit each day. Select produce that is fresh and colorful in order to provide your body with a wide range of nutrients. Avoid nutrient loss when cooking by steaming, grilling or lightly sautéing vegetables. Not a big fan of vegetables? Trick your palate by hiding them in sauces, soups, casseroles or smoothies.

Most people enjoy eating fruit so getting recommended amount is fairly easy. Be sure to choose fresh, colorful, seasonal, whole fruit(s) over fruit juice. Whole fruit contains lots of fiber which makes you feel full longer and aides in digestion. Most fruit juices contain added sugar which adds unwanted calories. In fact, a typical 8 ounce glass of orange juice contains 120 calories compared to 60 calories for a whole orange. To find out more about the calorie content of your favorite fruits and fruit juices visit

After filling your plate evaluate the ratio of fruits, grains, vegetables and protein. It should be similar to the diagram below.nutrition1

For more information on nutritional guidelines please go:

March Nutrition Challenge

Your challenge for March is to eat 2-3 cups of vegetables and 1 1/2 – 2 cups of fruit each day. Keep track of the number of days you were able to meet the guidelines and submit your monthly total to by April 3rd. The person with the greatest number of days will win a local merchant gift card. All others will be entered in a random drawing.

Leave the measuring cups at home and use your hand(s) to determine the amount of food on your plate. Below is a guide you can use to determine how much food you are consuming.nutrition2