Welcome to NMC bannerPlease join us in welcoming these new additions to our NMC staff!

Rachel Sondergeld


Rachel Sondergeld joined NMC on September 22, 2014 as a student caller in Resource Development. She can be reached at (231) 995-1030 or rsondergeld@nmc.edu.




Barbosa, Carolina



Carolina Barbosa joined NMC on September 29, 2014 as a student worker for the switchboard in Facilities. She can be reached at (231) 995-1111 or cbarbosa@nmc.edu.



Tarah Elhardan



Tarah Elhardan joined NMC on September 22, 2014 as a counselor in the Student Life office. She can be reached at (231) 995-1251 or telhardan@nmc.edu.



Paula Truex



Paula Truex joined NMC on September 22, 2014 as the Executive Assistant in Resource Development. She can be reached at (231) 995- 2822 or ptruex@nmc.edu.