Jenifer Hanrahan - AdmissionsJenifer Hanrahan joined NMC as Admissions Assistant on February 3, 2014. She can be reached at 995-1054 or

Jenny grew up in Grand Rapids and moved to Traverse City 30 years ago to be with her husband, Paul. They will celebrate their 30th anniversary this September! She graduated from Grand Rapids Junior College, and Central Michigan University with a degree in Business Administration. She previously worked at the local Home Builders Association as the Membership and Education Director and prior to that West Senior High School as a Para-professional working with technology.

Jenny is the proud mother of four children – Joseph, 26, Emma, 25, David, 22 and William, 20.  She also calls herself a “recovering hockey mom” as she spent 20 years supporting her children’s participation in local hockey programs through their high school years.  She does not have any grandchildren – but is the proud grandmother to a couple of very handsome grand dogs!