May 7, 2020
Just 50 days ago, Northwestern Michigan College closed its campuses to all but essential employees and shifted the last six weeks of spring semester classes from face-to-face to online. Here’s a look at the diverse and comprehensive response NMC has made to the pandemic, measured in people, dollars and time.
2 Percent increase in summer enrollment vs. 2019, as of today. Summer classes begin next week and registration continues.
2 Alumni traveled to work as nurses in New York City, the U.S. epidemic’s epicenter, including Callie Leaman (right)
15 Student families helped per week by the NMC Food Pantry
50 North Hall residents chose to quarantine there
61 Musicians played and sang in the NMC Virtual Choir’s production of Amazing Grace
79 Faculty and staff enrolled in NMC Teaching Solutions course to improve their skills in online instruction
115 Attendees at the International Affairs Forum virtual April lecture by Frank Langfitt of NPR
210 Students attended a virtual orientation for summer semester
227 Student requests for emergency aid (as of May 1)
291 People — alumni, friends, faculty and staff — donated to the NMC Foundation to help students with emergency needs like tuition, housing and groceries
600 Graduates in the Class of 2020
962 Current headcount for summer 2020 session, which will also be held online
3,000 Postcards sent to students to inform them of resources available remotely
$634 Average amount awarded to students from both NMC scholarship funds and federal CARES Act dollars
$100,000+ Amount raised for culinary scholarships despite cancellation of A Taste of Success fundraiser in April
7 Days for faculty to shift face-to-face classes to virtual learning
30 Hours per week Educational Media Technologies (EMT) team spent on Zoom videoconference calls
40 Minutes average completion time for EMT to resolve a help request
20 Wifi hotspots loaned to students to access online instruction
51 New online course sections added in the summer semester to offset the loss of the same number of face-to-face classes
70 Laptop computers loaned to students to access online instruction
400+ Technology Help Desk calls answered