Welcome-to-NMC-banner-300x55Please join us in welcoming these new additions to our NMC staff!



Adam Crocker joined NMC as a Student Employee Staff Designer at the White Pine Press November 2. He can be reached at 995-1347 or acrocker@nmc.edu.



Matthew Thomas Kaple joined NMC as a Supplemental Mail Courier October 25. He can be reached at 995-1130 or mkaple@nmc.edu.



Inna Narolska joined NMC as a Student Employee in the Fitness Center October 25. She can be reached at 995-1198 or innarolska@nmc.edu.



Susan Newman joined NMC as a CRM/Financial Aid Specialist November 7. She can be reached at 995-1051 or snewman@nmc.edu.



Kathleen Mary Velasco joined NMC as a Student Employee Purchasing Assistant at the Great Lakes Culinary Institute October 19. She can be reached at 995-1390 or kvelasco@nmc.edu.



Tyler Waslawski joined NMC as a Student Employee Science Lab Assistant October 24. He can be reached at 995-2417 or twaslawski@nmc.edu.



Cameron Levi White joined NMC as Supplemental Staff October 18. He can be reached at 995-1719 or cawhite@nmc.edu.