Welcome-to-NMC-banner-300x55Please join us in welcoming these new additions to our NMC staff!

Alexander Brace



Alexander Brac joined NMC as a tutor (student position) on February 1, 2016. He can be reached at (231) 995-1939 or bracea@mail.nmc.edu.





Danielle Wiers



Danielle Wiers joined NMC as a Nurse in Student Health Services (supplemental position) on February 1, 2016. She can be reached at (231) 995-1256 or dwiers@nmc.edu.




Jess Polus


Jess Polus joined NMC as Parsons Stulen Welcome Desk worker (supplemental position) on February 1, 2016. She can be reached at (231) 995-1300 or jpolus@nmc.edu.






Benjamin Priest


Benjamin Priest joined NMC as a Welding Para-Pro (supplemental position) on February 1, 2016. He can be reached at (231) 995-1300 or bpriest@nmc.edu.





Brad Albarado


Brad Albarado joined NMC as a Machining Para-Pro (supplemental position) on February 2, 2016. He can be reached at (231) 995-1300 or balbarado@nmc.edu.



Justin Reinert


Justin Reinert joined NMC as a GLMA Vessels Engineer (supplemental position) on February 3, 2016. He can be reached at (231) 995-1200 or jreinert@nmc.edu.





Noah Malaski



Noah Malaski joined NMC as a Student Campus Security officer on February 4, 2016. He can be reached at (231) 995-1939 or nmalaski@nmc.edu.



Tasha Vincent


Tasha Vincent joined NMC as a Tutor (student position) on February 4, 2016. She can be reached at (231) 995-1939 or tvincent@nmc.edu.




Mark Teale


Mark Teale joined NMC as a GLMA – Instructor (supplemental position) on February 5, 2016. He can be reached at (231) 995-1200 or mteale@nmc.edu.




Sarah Torres


Sarah Torres joined NMC as a Adjunct Faculty Clinical Nurse on February 5, 2016. She can be reached at (231) 995-1245 or storres@nmc.edu.