NMC Walk for Health and HousingThe 9th annual Walk for Health & Housing will be held on Wednesday, November 20 at 6 p.m. to bring awareness to the challenges of unhoused people in our region. Ryan Hannon, leader of Central Outreach at Central United Methodist Church, will take participants on a guided walk and tour of downtown Traverse City bringing attention to the sorts of situations and challenges faced by homeless people. There will be speeches by other participants as well. The walk will begin and end at the NMC Great Lakes Campus (home of the Hagerty Center) for this 90-minute downtown tour, designed to make the less visible problems of homelessness and other insecurities visible to area residents. Among other stops that highlight service and volunteering opportunities, the group will stop by the Government Center to highlight ways area citizens can provide input and get involved. We need “all hands on deck” for this event to be as successful as possible. We hope to see you there!