Did you know that your tuition waiver benefits extend beyond credit classes? Take a fitness class, learn a new hobby, or even enjoy a date night with your partner. Check out these upcoming classes! Place the class in your shopping cart in order to see the discount. Need help setting up your profile? Look for “EES” in the Help Desk drop down menu.
Family Dinner Fun
Ready to trade the drive-thru for delicious, healthy creations? Through sizzling, chopping, and simmering, you’ll discover how quick and easy it is to make healthier versions of your favorite fast foods.
Saturday, October 19; 10a – 12p
Employee price: $46 for two people (public price: $125)
Fantastic Tofu
Unlock the potential of tofu! This hands-on class will transform you from tofu skeptic to tofu enthusiast. Learn essential techniques to achieve perfectly crispy or melt-in-your-mouth textures.
Tuesday, October 22; 6 – 8:30p
Employee price: $37 per person, includes a beverage (public price: $125)
Mixed Media Art: Fiber Focused
This class explores various mixed media techniques involving fiber. Under the tutelage of artist Amber Coulter, participants will work with gelli plates, stencils, paints, inks, and handmade stamps and incorporate fabric in many forms.
4 sessions; Fridays, November 1 – 22; 10a – 12p
Employee price: $32 (public price: $99)
Need help setting up your profile? Look for “EES” in the Help Desk drop down menu.