Our next Mobile Food Pantry distribution is Monday, Sept. 23 from 3–5 p.m. in the Maple Lot on NMC’s Front Street Campus.

The program is open to ALL STUDENTS and their families. Hop in the car line in the Maple Lot on the Front Street Campus and drive through the distribution loop. Food will be loaded into your trunk. Each recipient receives approximately 7–10 days of fresh fruit, produce and other foodstuff.

No car? No problem! You’re welcome to “walk through” and receive goods in a carry-able way. Feel free to bring a backpack or other reusable bags!

Worried about how you’ll afford snow tires this winter? Have some upcoming major bills? Use our Mobile Food Pantry program to free up the funds you would have spent on food to put towards your other upcoming expenses!

As a college, we recognize that so many students live paycheck to paycheck. Our mobile food pantry is specifically designed for students to supplement income with fresh, healthy foods and free up limited funds to go towards other expenses.

There are no financial requirements or means tests. We welcome everyone who can use an healthy boost to their diet (and budget!).