Dear NMC community,

With a mixture of disappointment and pride, I am writing to inform you that on Thursday, NMC’s Board of Trustees will consider a resolution requesting that the Benzie County Clerk withdraw the annexation questions previously approved for the Nov. 5 ballot.

I am disappointed that Benzie voters will not have the opportunity to access more affordable — even free in many cases — education and skills training via annexation. However, I am proud to recommend this action to the Board based upon our shared NMC values of integrity and respect.

Last Wednesday, Aug. 21, NMC learned we cannot expand our Board of Trustees to include two Benzie residents, which was stated in the ballot language. This language had undergone review at multiple points at the state and local levels. Upon learning of the error, we attempted to correct the language in collaboration with the Benzie County Clerk so voters could make the best decision for themselves based on accurate information. We were not successful.

For the entire 73 years of our history, NMC has built a reputation of trust and honesty. I am not willing to risk that reputation by continuing an annexation effort that included inaccurate information. Therefore I am recommending to the Board that we suspend our effort and withdraw the proposals. Tomorrow, they will consider a resolution to do so formally.

Following that decision, NMC intends to step back, regroup, and determine how to best move forward, in Benzie and beyond, since northern Michigan families deserve the same access to higher education as the rest of the state. We extend our thanks to the leaders and supporters of Yes 4 Benzie, many of whom have been involved with the effort for more than a year. Northwestern Michigan College is an oasis in a higher education desert, and remains committed to bringing affordable, accessible higher education and skills training to our entire region.

Nick Nissley, Ed.D. | President | Northwestern Michigan College | 231.995.1010

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Traverse City, MI
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