As the college’s strategic plan, NMC Next, moves into its final year, I wanted to provide an update and celebrate some of our accomplishments. First off, thank you to the dozens of colleagues who worked tirelessly over the last 12 months on Year 2 of the NMC Next Strategic Plan! Behind the scenes, objective leads, champions, and their teams worked to keep actions steps on time and on track. An astounding 56 actions were completed in FY24 (Year 2 of implementation). Some highlights include:

  • Experiential learning opportunities for over 90% of our students
  • Responding to students by providing courses in the timeline and of the format they are seeking
  • Increased enrollment for the last three semesters
  • PRMC developed marketing and enrollment campaigns focused on conversion and enrollment
  • Customized workforce development training for some of the area’s biggest employers
  • A financial turnaround by GLCI exceeding the expectations of the Strategic Plan
  • An aviation expansion that breaks ground this Fall

These are just a few of the many successes of the strategic plan.

A few specifics: if you would like to view Year 2, archived PDFs are available here to view by anyone with an NMC email address.

Recently, strategy champions and objective leads spent many hours fine-tuning actions for Year 3 (FY25), which is the final year to execute NMC’s current strategic plan. Year 3 and its associated actions are located here.

The metrics will be updated again in September as Fall enrollment data becomes available. Thank you, ORPE, for your continued support of the strategic plan by providing much needed data and analytics.

In closing, I wanted to thank the entire college community for your continued support of the strategic plan. This work continues to propel the college forward to the future state we envisioned when we launched this effort.

— Jason Slade