NMC’s tuition waiver benefits extend beyond credit classes—take a fitness class, learn a new hobby, or even enjoy a date night with your partner. Check out these upcoming classes! Place the class in your shopping cart in order to see the discount. 

Want to view upcoming classes at a glance? View the NEW Calendar of Classes.

Date Night: Paris in SpringtimeNMC Extended Education french cooking class
Tuesday, June 4; 6-9 p.m.
Employee price: $46 for two people (public price $175)
Celebrate the wonders of spring with the tantalizing flavors of French cuisine. Learn how to properly cook salmon and make an accompanying white wine pan sauce. Experience making herbed butter, savory soufflés, lemon mousse, and more! This will be a fun meal to prepare and a delicious one to share with someone special.
Register here

Explore Pen & WatercolorNMC Extended Education watercolor class
Wednesdays, June 5 & 12; 6:30–9 p.m.
Employee price: $39 (Public price $99)
Have you dabbled in sketching or watercolor painting? Are you an addicted doodler? Are you intrigued about adding an illustrative perspective to your work? Join Jan Oliver, watercolor artist, and look at nature, close up, and capture what you see using pencil, pen, and watercolor paint.
Register here

Weight StrengtheningExtended Education weight strengthening class at NMC
16 sessions; Tuesday/Thursdays, June 18-August 15; 7-8 a.m.
Employee price: $25 (public price $175)
Aerobic exercise is not enough to keep the body well-conditioned; research shows the need for the addition of weekly weight strengthening. We will focus on all major muscle groups resulting in increased strength, better posture, greater mobility, improved metabolism, and a slowing of the development of osteoporosis. All levels are welcome.
Register here


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