Welcome-to-NMC-banner-300x55Please join us in welcoming these new additions to our NMC staff!


Brian Bishop


Brian Bishop joined NMC as an Adjunct Faculty member in Aviation (Flight Instructor) on January 11, 2016. He can be reached at (231) 995-2910 or bbishop@nmc.edu.




Jim Reardon


Jim Reardon joined NMC as an Adjunct Faculty member in Earth Science on January 8, 2016. He can be reached at (231) 995-1537 or jreardon@nmc.edu.



Jodi Boldra



Jodi Boldra joined NMC as a Test Proctor – Student Success Coach (supplemental position) on January 11, 2016. She can be reached at (231) 995-1360 or jboldra@nmc.edu.




Nicholas Betten


Nicholas Betten joined NMC as a Residence Life – East Hall Front Desk worker (student position) on January 13, 2016. He can be reached at (231) 995-1402 or bettenn@mail.nmc.edu.





Sabrina Hyde


Sabrina Hyde joined NMC as an Adjunct Faculty member in Visual Communications on January 8, 2016. She can be reached at (231) 995-1344 or shyde@nmc.edu.