Welcome to NMC bannerPlease join us in welcoming these new additions to our NMC staff!

Mac, McKenzie


McKenzie Mac joined NMC as a Banquet Server at the Hagerty Center (supplemental position) on July 24, 2015. She can be reached at (231) 995-3150 or mmac@nmc.edu.



Horycuzun, Bradley


Bradley Horycuzun joined NMC as a Great Lakes Maraitime Academy deck crew (supplemental position) on July 27, 2015. He can be breached at (231-995-1200 orbhoryczun@nmc.edu.



Stalker, Rita


Rita Stalker joined NMC as a part of the Human Resources Supplemental Pool on July 28, 2015. She can be reached at (231) 995-2612 or rstalker@nmc.edu.



Claerhout, Katlyn


Katlyn Claerhout joined NMC as Summer Residence Life Crew (student position) on July 28, 2015. She can be reached at (231) 995-1401 or kclaerhout@nmc.edu.



Wiggins, Kimberly


Kimberly Wiggins joined NMC as Student Life Office Support (supplemental position) on July 28, 2015. She can be reached at (231) 995-1118 or kwiggins@nmc.edu.



Biggar, Courtney


Courtney Biggar joined NMC as an Adjunct Instructor in Communications on July 28, 2015. She can be reached at (231) 995-1175 or cbiggar@nmc.edu.



Montgomery-Richards, Sarah


Sarah Montgomery-Richards joined NMC as an Adjunct Instructor in Philosophy on July 28, 2015. She can be reached at (231) 995-1331 or smontgomery@nmc.edu.



Lacombe, Peter flippedPeter Lacombe joined NMC as GMLA Deck Crew (supplemental position) on July 29, 2015. He can be reached at (231) 995-1200 or placomb@nmc.edu.