Join students from NMC’s communications, social work and sociology programs who are taking part in a series of events to increase hunger and homelessness awareness in November, as part of a service learning project. The events include:

NMCAA Sleep Out
Wednesday, November 4th

DTE Energy is hosting an all night sleep out to raise awareness about utility shutoffs.

Fundraising will take place to support NMCAA (Northern Michigan Community Action Agency) in helping those with a low income cover utility bills in our region.

Located at the Traverse City Civic Center. Set up begins at 4:30pm.

Duration: all night.

Walk for Health and Housing
Monday,November 16th

Join Ryan Hannon, Goodwill Street Outreach Coordinator, for  a guided tour of the challenges of those experiencing homelessness in Traverse City.

The walk will begin and end at the Maritime Academy on November 16th at 5:30pm.

Gain a new understanding of how difficult it can be to find a safe place to sleep without a home.

The SNAP Challenge
Food Research and Action Council(SNAP)

Can you survive one week on a food stamp budget? Learn how difficult it is to avoid hunger, afford nutritious foods, and stay healthy for millions of low-income Americans.

For more information, contact John Peterson at

Also check out our facebook page:

Download the flier to learn more »