Kudos- Praise or respect that you get because of something you have done or achieved. (defined by Merriam-Webster.com)

Kudos to the following people and departments! If you know of co-workers who are going above and beyond, nominate them for kudos here!

Kudos to Cathy McCall:  Cathy went completely out of her realm of duties and responsibilities to help me out with a BBQ proposal.  She handled the presentation to the BBQ Board even though it had nothing to do with her or her department.  Her efforts are greatly appreciated.

Kudos to Leanne Baumeler, Lindsey Dickinson, Cindy Duby, Ernie East, Bobbi Garner, Amjad Khan, and Jane Zlojutro:  These individuals demonstrated tremendous understanding, flexibility and innovative problem-solving in assisting one of NMC’s students who was experiencing health-related issues. Their intervention and teamwork not only enabled the student to remain enrolled in all of their classes, but the results of their efforts significantly and positively contributed to the student’s personal well-being.