We all have everyday aches and pains caused by sitting and/or typing for long periods of time but we can find relief. Take a few minutes out of your day to try out the stretches below which can be done at your desk.

Desk Stretches for hands, wrists and forearms

wrist circlesAir Circles:

  • Start with the arms bent by your sides with the hands in loose fists
  • Circle your fists in the air by rotating at the wrists
  • Do ten circles in one direction then switch to the other direction
  • Shake out the hands when done


finger pointingFinger pointing:

  • Stretch your left arm out in front of you so the palm is down and point your fingers toward the floor
  • Grasp the left hand with the right and gently press the hand down to increase the stretch
  • Repeat on the other side
  • Stretch your left arm out in front of you so the palm is down and point your fingers toward the ceiling
  • Grasp the left hand with the right and gently press the hand up to increase the stretch
  • Repeat on the other side