Congrats to Student Life!

Congratulations to the NMC Student Life team who won a 2015 NMEAC Environmentalist of the Year Award in the undergraduate category for organizing the Sweet Earth Festival! (NMEAC stands for: Northern Michigan Environmental Action Council.)  (more…)

Wellness activity

flowersEEaSe into spring with a cooking or fitness class sponsored by NMC Extended Education. There are lots of options for foodies to choose from like Cooking with Fresh Herbs or Endless Summer: Canning, Freezing and Preserving. For those of you looking for some action, checkout Qigong or learn Fly Fishing: Introductory Workshop. Regardless of your interests, you can find a class that appeals to you. If you sign up in May you will earn DOUBLE the points on your Wellness Scorecard. (more…)

May- Desk stretches

We all have everyday aches and pains caused by sitting and/or typing for long periods of time but we can find relief. Take a few minutes out of your day to try out the stretches below which can be done at your desk. (more…)